Old Enough to Stand Trial, But Too Young to Drive
A Comparative Discussion on the Age of Criminal Responsibility
English / 英文
17:00 – 19:00
Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center
Huangxiang Qinglv Techonology Venture Park, A17-A18
Sarah Cox
Lily Frautschi
Cameron Mercer
In this discussion, these three law students will present a brief look into the minimum age of criminal responsibility and a comprehensive discussion in the United States and abroad. In this presentation, we will cover subjects concerning the American legal system generally discussing fundamental topics such as federalism and the concept of positive and negative rights. We will also present an overview of juveniles and the criminal system which will cover the historical background and provide context of the current relationship between juveniles and the justice system. Eventually, this will culminate and cover the ongoing debates in the American legal world regarding the minimum age of criminal responsibility. We will also briefly cover this topic as it stands in the larger international community and China.
This topic was presented by three American law students: Sarah Cox, Lily Frautschi, and Cameron Mercer. To better shed light on how the United States has different approaches toward juvenile justice in different states, they began with a general overview of key American legal concepts such as Federalism and negative and positive rights.
Federalism describes the relationship between the national government and state governments. According to the U.S. Constitution, both the federal govern- ment and the states have powers either enumerated in that Constitution or established through case law. This split of powers shows that while there can be regulation at the federal level, each state has the potential to set their own rules regarding the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR).
They also discussed the idea of positive and negative rights. Positive rights assert the government’s affirmative duty to protect, provide for, or serve their citizens; negative rights assert a citizen’s right to be shielded from actions the government could take.
本次活动的三位主讲人分别是Sarah Cox、Lily Frautschi和Cameron Mercer,他们均是美国JD在读。为了更好地阐述美国各州对于青少年司法所采取的不同方式,他们首先概述了联邦制、积极权利、消极权利等重要的美国法概念。联邦制指联邦政府与州政府之间的关系。根据美国宪法,联邦政府和各州都拥有一定的权力,这些权力或在宪法中列举,或是通过判例法所确立。由于这种权力的分配,联邦政府虽有规制的权力,但各州仍可自行制定最低刑事责任年龄(MACR)。他们还讨论了积极权利与消极权利的概念。积极权利是指政府有责任保护和服务于其公民;消极权利是指公民有权免受政府可能采取的行动的影响。
After this, they gave a brief history of juvenile criminal and statutory offenses in the U.S. Since its creation, the U.S. legal system has become increasingly less punitive toward juveniles’ actions due to an developing understanding of minors’ lessened moral culpability. There was an abandonment of milder punishments when the crime rates skyrocketed in the 1990s, but since then, a more rehabilitative approach and a goal of less or no incarceration has been retaken. Additionally, the death penalty was abolished in 1988 for crimes committed under the age of 18, and most states now have moved away, or are moving away, from life sentences without parole for crimes committed under the age of 18.
In overviewing the juvenile justice system, it was reiterated that while there are similarities to the adult criminal court system, the goal of the juvenile justice system is different. Like in China, the focus is on the rehabilitation of the children and their reintroduction into society following a delinquent act. However, just like in China, that is not always what takes place. For example, racial discrimination often leads to disparities in the application of legal processes in juvenile and criminal court.
In the United States, some states have age limits for both prosecuting children in juvenile court as well as transferring them to adult criminal court that are very low—if they have a limit at all. Twenty-four states have no age limit for prosecuting children in juvenile courts (others set it from 7 to 13, with the most common age being 10) and eleven states have no minimum age in place for trying children as adults. In fact, every year, dozens of children under 14 are judicially transferred to adult courts.
There are three ways to transfer a minor from juvenile court to criminal court: judicial transfer, statutory exclusion, and direct file.
In judicial transfers, there are 3 types of waiver: discretionary waiver, presumptive waiver, and mandatory waiver. Discretionary waiver is when a judge uses her own discretion in deciding whether a case should be transferred to criminal court. A judge will look at the seriousness of the offense; the level of involvement the juvenile had in the offense; the prior history of the juvenile; the juvenile’s mental and emotional condition; and the likelihood of rehabilitation through court services. A presumptive waiver is when a juvenile must show that he or she should not be transferred. If argued successfully, the juvenile will stay in juvenile court. In a mandatory judicial waiver, a juvenile’s case is auto-matically transferred according to state statute.
Statutory exclusion is when state law mandates a youth be processed as an adult. For example, under Minnesota law, juveniles who drive while intoxicated will automatically be prosecuted as an adult.
For direct files, the prosecutor directly files criminal charges against a juvenile. In some states, if a juvenile has committed a crime in the past, they will automatically be tried as an adult.
A real example of judicial transfer is the case In Re X.S. The Texas Juvenile Court transferred the defendant’s case to criminal court after considering four important factors: the crime resulted in the victim’s death; the offender belonged to a gang; the defendant had “Murda [murder] doctor” in his social media bio; and the defendant continued to engage in delinquent behavior despite prior referrals to juvenile services.
司法转移的一个真实案例是In Re X.S.案。德克萨斯州青少年法庭在考虑了四个重要因素后,将被告的案件转移到刑事法庭:犯罪导致受害者死亡;犯罪者属于一个帮派;被告在社交媒体简介中写有“谋杀博士”;同时,被告曾被转至青少年管教部门,此后仍继续从事不良行为。
The presenters then discussed the current arguments both for and against raising the MACR in the United States. There are multiple reasons why scholars both support and oppose raising the minimum age. One reason against raising the criminal age is to protect youth from the stigmas of the criminal justice system. Having a public record of having been incarcerated could impact their employment prospects. Research has also shown that exposure to the criminal justice system at a younger age poses many risks for the child: they are less likely to graduate high school; they are more likely to reoffend; and the child has a higher chance of being exposed to physical and sexual abuse while incarcerated from adults in charge.
Opponents aim to hold children responsible for serious crimes, prevent gangs from exploiting children, and safeguard public security. Additionally, as of 2024, parents have been held accountable for their children’s actions. In this recent and radical case, two parents were sentenced to 10-15 years each after they failed to prevent their son from shooting and wounding students at his high school, while the juvenile received life without parole. Many are concerned that if the age is raised, many more cases like this will be brought and result in parents being held accountable for their children’s actions instead of only the child being punished.
The presentation also covered ways of reducing recidivism. Neither lightly-supervised probation nor transfer and harsh, military-style boot camps are effective in reforming juvenile offenders. Some solutions include cognitive behavioral therapy targeting antisocial behavior; some punitive consequences in conjunction with promoting youth development (job skill building, academic performance, self-control); and a focus on home-life continuity and inter-personal relation-ships.
Through two short video clips, the group covered a fictitious depiction of a seven year old standing trial in an adult criminal court for accidentally shooting a classmate. In this clip, a psychologist addresses the capacity of a child that young to fully understand the consequences of his actions; ultimately, they decide he cannot. The second video clip came from a newsreel regarding a recently passed Florida legislation that raised the MACR officially to seven following six-year-old Kaia Rolle’s outburst in school which resulted in her being handcuffed with zip ties and taken to a juvenile detention facility. Kaia’s grandmother gives a tearful interview about the inhumane treatment her child received at the hands of officers and how no child should go through something like that again.
通过两段短片,主讲人展示了一个七岁儿童因意外射击同学在成人刑事法庭受审的情节。在视频中,一位心理学家探讨了如此年幼的孩子是否完全理解其行为的后果;专家最终认定孩子不具有该认识能力。第二段视频是一条关于佛罗里达州最近通过的将刑事责任年龄正式提高到七岁的新闻片段。原因是一位六岁的小女孩Kaia Rolle在学校的突发行为导致她被铐押送往青少年拘留所。Kaia的祖母在采访中泪流满面,谈到她的孩子在警察手中所受的非人待遇,并表示不应再有孩子经历这样的事情。
Finishing up the presentation, the group discussed both broader international and Chinese perspectives on the MACR. For the international community, the United Nations has published several comments regarding how they believe Member States should implement both scientific and legal research into creating their MACR. At this time, the UN recommends an MACR of 14 years old but commends those who have theirs as high as 15 or 16 years old. This is based on scientific research that suggests children possess neither the mental capacity to fully comprehend their actions nor the consequences that may follow these actions. The UN also doesn’t recommend that there be two minimum ages – for instance, one for general offenses and a younger one for more serious offenses. Among the African Union States, the average MACR is 13 years old; while among the EU states, it is 14 years old. The presenters also discussed how countries like Australia are handling conversations about the MACR. In those countries, many opponents of raising the MACR discuss that research shows a lower age of criminal responsibility actually leads to a greater chance of reoffending.
In China, this is a “hot topic” because in 2021, the country lowered its MACR from 14 to 12 for two offenses: intentional homicide using especially cruel means and intentional infliction of bodily harm resulting in death or serious disability using especially cruel means. In the years before 2021, there had been a slew of cases publicized in which 13-year-olds committed violent murders and suffered few, if any, consequences. One boy, after murdering his mother, returned to school after a mere ten days of detention; another murdered a 10-year-old girl and wrote online to his friend he knew it would turn out fine because he was under 14. Such cases coming to light sparked outrage, and so an amendment was proposed and adopted. Some Chinese are advocating for an even lower MACR.
After the presentation, the presenters took a brief break, networking with audience guests before then taking questions from the general audience. Here are some of the questions asked as well as a shortened version of the responses:
Q: What does an intern at Zhicheng do?
A: The foreign interns at Zhicheng do comparative legal research, case analysis, and participate in activities held by the organization. For example, we completed research related to the protection of children’s data and the relationship between social media and juvenile offenses. We also participated in a meeting where scholars, re-searchers, and professionals discussed the protection of children on the internet. Jiang, who is fluent in both English and Chinese, assists in responding to the organization’s online consultations. Jiang also translates for the employees and foreign interns.
Q: What are some good cases to read to better understand the juvenile justice system or the changing viewpoints surrounding children’s rights in the United States?
A: Since every state has a different set of laws, it can be helpful to look at Supreme Court decisions, as they apply to all states and generally provide an overview of the history of the law discussed. Revolutionary cases I would recommend looking at include Thompson v. Oklahoma (1988) and Roper v. Simmons (2005). You can see the Court taking into account the shift in state laws to more modern juvenile justice approaches.
答:由于各州法律不同,查看适用于所有州的最高法院裁决可能会有所帮助,因为它们通常提供了所讨论法律的历史概述。我建议阅读的具有突破性的案件包括Thompson v. Oklahoma(1988年)和Roper v. Simmons(2005年)。你可以看到最高法院将州法律关于青少年司法方式的现代化转变纳入考虑。
Q: In China, penetration is required to reach an offense of sexual assault of a female adult but it is not required for a female minor. Is this similar in the United States?
A: In the United States, statutory rape crimes are based on the idea that until a child reaches a certain age, they are incapable of consent. This specific age in which a child is determined capable of consenting to sexual relationships with adults varies with state. Some states will determine the severity of the punishment based on the age of the offender – reserving their most serious punishments for those over 21 who have sexual intercourse with someone under the age of consent and particularly under the age of 14 or 13. However, every state requires there to be sexual intercourse or sexual penetration in order to qualify for this offense. There is a separate offense for sexual misconduct with a minor, but that is not the same as sexual assault in the United States. There are exceptions in several states that will permit prosecution for sexual assault without penetration (if a penis has any contact with a vulva), but this is not universal among the states.
文字 | 季杨子彦
编辑 | 季杨子彦
图片 | 陈思妤
审核 | 陈强
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